Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Christmas Trip Begins

Well, once again the Magical Packing Fairies failed to show up and I was left to organise my own suitcase. Turns out I was better organised than Brett though as he still had packing to do after the alarm went off (at 5am!) this morning.

London is blanketted under a heavy fog this morning but the traffic was lighter than I'd feared. A bit of congestion on the approach to the terminal is all. For once BAA had everything working and the 'security' process was rapid.

We boarded on time but are now being de-iced while awaiting a slot from Air Traffic Control. The Captain reckons it could be an hour...


bryndlewindle said...

Hey I hope you managed to get there ok and are having a great christmas. Bryn x

Liam said...

Hi Bryn, thanks for stopping by. Yep, we made it in good order. Just takin' it easy now...