Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Looking to The Future

I am feeling jaded.

Brett and I had a great two-week winter-sun break in the Canaries at the start of the month but, as soon as I was back at my desk, I was feeling like I needed another holiday.  Going through another round of business planning – even when the Board approved my draft budget, pretty much without amendment – just isn’t stimulating me this year.

For a while now, I’ve been trying to find a way of fitting more travel into my life.  The Canaries Cruise got the travel juices flowing in excess once again and just recently I came across the Never-Ending Voyage blog.  Have a look yourself; it’s the story of a couple from Manchester who saved up for a mega Round-the-World trip and enjoyed it so much they have now sold-up and set out to be permanent digital nomads.

While I’m not planning on selling all my possessions and setting off with just a rucksack on my back, I like the concept of the adult gap-year round-the-world  trip and they have a good selection of practical advice on how to make it happen.  Reading some of the comments put me on to other digital nomads with other good ideas.

I have the Kilimanjaro trek on the horizon later this year, but next year is potentially doable.  I’m scaling back my commitment to the Chorus after this season, so I’ll have more time to plan and organise.

I haven’t really talked this particular idea over with Brett yet either.  I know he is generally in favour of travel but understandably wary of some of my grand plans.  For this to work, we both have to be up for it, able to save enough to finance it and be able to take sabbaticals from work at the same time – no small obstacles to overcome...

But then if you never try, you never achieve!

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