Sunday, March 13, 2005


Tonight I feel guilty. It’s been a self-indulgent day: Lying-in until late, then watching TV, then going out for lunch, then watching more TV, then reading and doing some Chorus email and then watching yet more TV. There was no shopping done, no laundry done and no washing up done. I feel like I need the holiday now, not in the future. I am not motivated to do anything – which is not a good thing, because there is so much that needs doing. Apart from all the housework, I have an exam on Wednesday and another on Thursday that I need to be studying for.

My mum called today and we had a good long chat about what’s happening in both our lives. I filled her in on the holiday, the Magistrate’s interview in April and Paris in May and she updated me on what’s happening with the bee business and where they’d been walking recently and what is going on at the Bowls Club (Their local social centre.) We talked about Rosie’s job and how she’s coming down to London for a week to unwind a little after organising her move – and also to house-sit for us while we’re away.

I so need a holiday though. I have the ‘worn-down’ feeling that I sometimes get which gives it away. It’s time to disappear for a while to somewhere where nothing has to be organised or planned and I can do everything on the spare of the moment; Time to get out from under the pressure of living and working in London and having an active social life – where even the things you enjoy have to be carefully timetabled; Time to turn off the phone and avoid the Internet for a week – apart from occasional blog/travelog posting, maybe.

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