Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hobbies and Pastimes

So today wasn’t much to write about. Had a pleasant lunch with Owen. The snowflakes blowing in the wind as I crossed Blackfriars Bridge were picturesque (and didn't stick!) Work was okay. The last half-hour and my evening were spoilt by an email eruption of personal politics with some members of the Chorus committee. I was so wound up I fired a salvo back by email when I got home – which is unlike me; usually I am the one advising people against heated replies by email. I guess I’m getting to the end of my tether with it all. How is it that a hobby we do, ostensibly for the enjoyment it brings, can generate so much negative energy? Human beings are strange creatures.

Once I’d done my e-bitching I closed down my email and watched the remake of the Thomas Crown Affair which is enjoyable and undemanding enough to take my mind off most troubles.

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