Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Humbug

Tempus fugit! It only seems like yesterday that I was reading the Magistrate’s blog about Identity Cards. I’d spent Sunday morning and early afternoon in work applying patches to servers. After that the evening just seemed to disappear while I kept up with my Chorus emails and a couple of TV shows.

Monday was a frustrating day at work. I spent a lot of it helping an engineer install some software which will control our photocopiers and, in due course, allow us to track each print and copy job back to a user and/or a project number so we can charge it back to a client. This is long overdue for our company, but the process of getting it installed is tedious. The day wasn’t improved by a user arriving half an hour before we were due to leave wanting a new machine to be configured (from scratch) for them by the following morning. Dream on!

As a result I went into the regular Monday night Chorus rehearsal with less than enthusiasm, but I got through it and even managed to enjoy it somewhat – even though we are still revising the Christmas carols ready for our next recording session.

Yesterday was also Valentine's Day. I’m happy to say that I didn’t send or receive any cards. Nor did we go out to an overcrowded restaurant and pay an inflated price for a meal. I did tell Brett I loved him though – but only after midnight had passed! Maybe you can tell that I think the whole concept of Valentine’s Day is a con? I feel demonstrations of one’s love should be more spontaneous. I’m certainly not going to be pressured into it because of an obscure, possibly non-existent, Catholic Saint whose feast day is no longer actually celebrated by the church itself! The whole event is feeling increasingly like the commercialism of Christmas. Bah, Humbug!

Anyway, today was more interesting. Now that this new software is installed, I get to design its configuration (translation: muck about with it lots) so that it best suits our purposes. There were also interesting discussions between our Italian office and the corporate marketing team about how we present ourselves to international clients. That led to me being tasked with some interesting research and testing which should keep me occupied for a few days.

Tonight, Brett is at a Chorus meeting and I’m just catching up with more email. The Chorus is creating a GLBT Youth Choir as one of its community outreach projects and I, by virtue of being the Membership Committee Chair, am responsible for overseeing it so there has been lots of verbiage about budgets and publicity and background checks. What better way can you think of to spend your Tuesday night?

That was sarcasm by the way.

In other news: I made time to go to the gym yesterday afternoon and cycled to and from work today so I’m feeling pretty worthy right now. I even managed to stay out of the biscuit pool at work – which means I’m committing not to eat any biscuits with my tea for the next few days. How good is that for a weak-willed, sweet-toothed gastrophile like me?!

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