Thursday, July 21, 2005

Show minus one day

Quite a day. This morning was fairly smooth, although I could really have done with another couple of hours in bed after the last few days. Work was uneventful and I left after only a couple of hours to go to the rehearsal for tomorrow night’s show.

Yesterday evening we ran the show in the venue for the first time. Today we had a technical rehearsal (for lighting, sound & stage crew) planned this afternoon and a dress rehearsal (for the Chorus and other singers) planned for this evening. Things were delayed a bit by bomb explosions on the Tube and a bus but eventually we got going.

The Tech rehearsal, as these things usually are, was exceptionally tedious. Lots of standing around while lighting is set and sound and sight-lines are checked. There were quite a few hiccups to resolve. At the end of it all, I was drained and just wanted to go home.

The dress rehearsal totally re-energised me though. It was a great run. We are ready now and it is going to be a fantastic show. I really can’t wait for tomorrow night now. Even the ticket sales have improved! We seem to be growing almost exponentially day on day!!

You can find a couple more pictures of the tech rehearsal here and here.

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