Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Grump That Stole My Week

So what is going on inside my head?!? All week I’ve been totally f*cked-off with the world for no readily apparent reason; it’s all just been too much bother and I wanted out of it.

It started on Monday at work. I was tired and frustrated that I was having a totally reactive day when I wanted to get on with the proactive stuff, but that’s sometimes the way it is in a support role. I persevered and was looking forward to Chorus as that usually energises me out of a funk. But it was sectionals and, as usual, the Basses and Baritones were sent down to the small, dingy, stuffy room in the basement while the (smaller!) tenor sections used the main rehearsal hall. When I challenged Charlie about it, he just gave me his wide-eyed ‘No! Really??’ look and moved on. That pissed me off in a big way. The subsequent sweltering rehearsal had the effect you might expect.

Tuesday at work wasn’t much better than Monday; I just didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to be helpful. I was clock-watching all afternoon, waiting for 5pm to tick around. Brett was at a meeting Tuesday evening, so I was ordering pizza but couldn’t find the menu for the place I wanted – normally we have three or four copies of that same menu, but I couldn’t find a one. I resorted to looking them up online. Then, after the guy had put me on hold (for a bloody pizza deliver order, I mean, COME ON!) they got my order confused and rang back to confirm whether I really wanted three pizzas and sounded very dubious when I told them that I had definitely only ordered the one.

Work today has been better I suppose – and I didn’t even mind cycling through the rain on the way home. What did get me down though was the movie. Brett, Ping and I went to watch Serenity tonight and it’s a good movie (no, really it’s a good movie – go see it!) but just when I could have done with a Hollywood Happy Ending, I got a more grittily realistic plot and it sent me back into my head.

I hope I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night and I think possibly the weekend in the Lakes took more out of me than I realised.

The upside is that I have the rest of the week off work; the parents are arriving tomorrow evening to stay for the weekend, but it means I can have a long lie-in tomorrow. I don’t have to get up early. I can take my ease.

Please God let it cheer me up.

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