Sunday, November 20, 2005

TopCats' Bitch Fight

Here’s an interesting article on the BBC website that had me chuckling. It’s about two cheerleaders for an American Football team in the USA and the dreadful shame they have brought upon both their home town and their profession by getting involved in a brawl in a nightclub. Amusing.

The article did make a couple of telling points though;

"In a country where prudishness is close to godliness, pouting cheerleaders in flesh-revealing outfits are held up as role models for young girls. This is the same country where women's equality is fiercely protected and a glimpse of a nipple on television can cause an outcry."

"Some have asked whether, if the football players themselves had been accused of similar misbehaviour, would they have been instantly sacked? In the past, several famous football players have been forgiven by their teams for minor crimes or lapses of chivalry."

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