Sunday, September 17, 2006

Turin Trip - Photos

It is perhaps an indicator of how busy the Turin trip was, that I hardly got my camera out at all – which is a shame, because it was a great trip that I’d want to remember.

Anyway, here are links to such photographs as I did take, plus a couple I’ve half-inched off others. You can either view the whole lot on one page here, or pick and choose from the links below…

Aimlessly Wandering Choristers (a.k.a. The Walking Tour)

Brett & I at the Civic Reception. If you think we look a little pale, it’s because they hadn’t let us at the food yet!

Advertising. Unlike our usual homespun efforts, our Turin show had a real marketing budget and there were big posters for us all over town.

The Day Of The Show. Unfortunately no pictures of the actual show (everyone was too busy singing to be taking pictures) but a few shots of us thrilled with the anticipation of a great night ahead.

After The Show we had a party. It was tremendous fun. The pictures sadly don’t do it justice but here are a few gratuitous shots of us and our friends having fun.

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