Friday, November 10, 2006

Week From Hell

Well, it’s been quite a week. The bastards have been grinding me down pretty much non-stop. An incredible sense of relief as I walked out of the office on Friday evening! Two days of ME time (well, kind of)!

So, in between the endless snagging with the new office, I managed to do a little social stuff. Monday was Chorus, but I was so worn out after work I went home instead and curled up on the sofa for the entire evening. Tuesday I attended the Chorus’ Steering Committee meeting to speak in support of a proposal that was coming up. (It’s a lot more business-like than under the previous administration, which is a real improvement. Nevertheless, Martin B was there to speak against the proposal and, as usual, he had taken it personally and was quite vehement in expressing his offence…)

Wednesday evening I had off and spent the time surfing flickr for portrait inspiration and chatting with Graeme N, the guy who wants me to do some portraits of him. Thursday Rosie & Claire came over for dinner and we spent a pleasant evening catching up over dinner and some Gallo white wine. We also spent a while looking through the new Dieux du Stade calendar which had arrived that day. I was surprised to see how much agreement emerged between two straight women and two gay men about which were the truly erotic shots and which were simply naked space-fillers.

Finally today was virtually a half day for me. First off I had lunch with John W over at Borough Market which was very pleasant – we had dessert from Konditor & Cook again and, if anything, their fruit tarts are even tastier than before! After an hour of exchanging gripes about work he had to get back, but I spent a happy half hour or so wandering around with my camera, catching some of the colours of the market.

While I got quite a few very colourful and varied shots, none of them was really that good. I still haven’t quite mastered combining all the various settings to give me the depth of field I want, which results in parts of the shot being out of focus when I don’t want it to be. Grr. Ah, well. Practice makes perfect – and it’s the weekend tomorrow. Yeay!!

The rest of the afternoon was delightfully quiet as most of the company were away at the AGM. I should probably have gone along and enjoyed the free-drinks and camaraderie but I chose the quiet life instead and spent the afternoon at my desk not doing very much. It was bliss.

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