Saturday, January 28, 2006

Plumbing and Poker

It was another event-driven day at work today but at least I came away from it feeling like I had achieved things. I had a typically pleasant (but brief today) lunch with John M where we mostly discussed career possibilities in flying. (He put some hours in on a PPL while living in the US and had some good ideas about how to achieve it and what to do later on.)

Rosie had come over early for poker as she had been in the area after work and so she had dinner with us. However, as I was going to load my plate up with second-helpings, I heard a regular ‘drip, drip’ sound coming from the cupboard which houses our boiler and, sure enough, water was dripping at a fairly rapid pace from one of the pipes supplying it. A rapid call to the landlord’s emergency line followed. It didn’t appear to be urgent enough for them to call out an emergency plumber and we were eventually told to expect one to call tomorrow morning, so as the first guests arrived for poker I was busy mopping the floor and playing with stop-cocks. In the end I managed to stop the dripping, but this necessitated cutting off all water to the bathroom and the hot water in the kitchen. I suppose I should be grateful that there is still running water in the kitchen at least, and we are not totally devoid.

The main event of the evening was, however, the regular poker game. I’d expected a full table, but Rod M called-off this evening, pleading fatigue, my sister subsequently decided she was too tired also and went home and Jeremy F, when we checked, hadn’t put the date in his diary and had completely forgotten about it! I do wonder sometimes if people are really looking for a way out of being invited without causing offence…

So in the end there were five of us playing; Brett & me, John M and Mark G & Chris M from the Chorus. A good time was had by all I think, although Brett and I did take away most of the pot again; this time Brett was the big winner, while Mark G and I split the remainder, both of us coming away with a small profit. I do need to find more dependable players though to make up a full table.

Before bed, we skimmed through the finale of Celebrity Big Brother to find that Chantelle (the fake-celebrity plant!) had won the series (which I think is a fairly poor indictment on the ‘Celebrity’ thread of this show.) Then we headed to the land of nod.

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