Thursday, April 07, 2005


I have my Magistrate’s interview tomorrow.

Hopefully it will only be the first interview, followed by a second, followed by appointment but for now I’m just concentrating on tomorrow.

I had a haircut today and the new shirt is ironed and hanging with the new suit in a carrier; the interview details are already in my bag waiting to go tomorrow morning.

Tonight I have been trying to prepare. My fellow blogger, Bystander, pointed me at some online training resources which are interesting and I’ve been scanning through them. The difficulty in preparing for the interview though, is that the prerequisites are so basic: Essentially not being involved in any other branch of government, not being a criminal and not being bankrupt – it doesn’t even say that you have to be legally sane! (Although I suppose that sanity is implicit in some of the character traits you are expected to show.)

With the lack of any hard experience or qualifications required, I’m expecting lots of soft, ‘touchy-feely’ questions exploring my views on justice and the law, community-issues and so forth. I’ve tried to prepare myself by mentally outlining answers to such questions, along with the other interview staples about why I should have the job and what my ambitions are, etc. but I really have no idea what to expect. I’m hoping that Bystander’s other piece of advice holds true: “It’s Mark One common sense.”

I’ll let you know!

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