Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Yin and Yang

For once I was out of bed at a sensible hour this morning and had time to relax before leaving for work. While I was sitting there, both good karma and bad karma found me. The good karma was noticing how alive the gardens behind our flat look. We overlook some communal green space with several large trees. During the winter the trees are bare of leaves and look quite stark, but over the last few weeks the cherry trees, one pink and one white, have blossomed and the really tall tree is suddenly a massive green canopy again, moving with the wind. There were lots of lovely springtime feelings in that observation.

The bad karma moment was that, browsing through my friends' websites, I saw that Curtis had updated his site with news of his big Australian holiday. In itself that is a good thing – from skimming his holiday blog it looked like he had a great time – the negative thoughts came from realising that the last time I mailed him, he was still looking forward to the holiday. I haven’t mailed him in months. That led me to thinking how long it’s been since I’ve spoken to many of my old friends and a determination to catch up with them now that I have more time to myself.

So, with my Yin and Yang in balance, I headed off into a basically pretty good day. I was on top of all of my work, I downloaded street plans and Metro route planners for our Paris trip in a few weeks and things were generally chilled.

I spoke to Brett this evening, as he’d sent a rather plaintive email out to his family today asking for news. I didn’t have much interesting news to offer him, but it was nice just to talk to him. For all that I am on my own, I am at least at home with plenty of things to fill my time. He is having a somewhat harder time of it in a short-term-let apartment in a foreign country that’s even colder than England.

We had another Chorus rehearsal tonight, this time concentrating on the repertoire for our Paris trip and we did well: The songs are pretty much there, with just polishing to do in the next week. I am looking forward to Paris, both from a Choir point of view and a personal holiday point of view.

Right. I’m off to read about Curtis’ trip down-under before turning-in.

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